Monday night prayer this past week had a missions focus. We had a team that had been to Guatemala just a couple of weeks ago. We used what they learned on the trip to encourage prayer for other countries as well as our heart for the world.
Giving God adoration and praise was first at prayer last Monday. I love to see how our front rows and sides are filled with the young who aren't afraid to express themselves in worship.
We moved into a brief time of confession next. I shared a story I had heard from Keith Craft, a pastor in Frisco. Keith told of a friend who had a dog named Gwhiz. Gwhiz loved to jump over fences into the neighbors yard. The owners decided to fix this problem by putting Gwhiz on a leash. With the length of the leash, Gwhiz could make it over the fence but not make it to the ground in the next yard causing himself major difficulties. It didn't take long for Gwhiz to learn he had a new boundary and he couldn't just jump into the neighbors back yards. I also told a story of how it seemed anytime I tried to get away with something in high school like sneaking off campus during lunch I got caught. I think someones prayers had me on a short leash.
We asked God to put us on his short leash so that our own flesh nature couldn't take us far from Gods best for us.
Our Guatemala team then shared about our trip. We prayed for our missionaries Mike and Terri McCombs and the 31 Bible extensions they are over. We printed the names of the extensions on cards and handed them to people at the door. We also prayed for anyone who had a heart to go on a short terms trip this coming year.
We prayed for people in the education profession during our ministry time.
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