One thing that has stood out to me lately is the wide range of generations involved in our Monday night prayer gathering. We have all kids 9 and up in the service. This makes our age range 9 - 90 with all in between.
It was so encouraging Monday night as we opened the mics for anyone to express a prayer of thanksgiving to God. We asked that it be brief. We had about 25 - 30 people respond. What a joy to see 9, 10, and 11 years olds come up and express prayers of thanks to God.
You can see this picture on the left that during one of the ministry times that we had people stand up and then someone around them pray for a particular need, a young girl prayed for a young boy. Even though I was on the stage I couldn't help catch this shot with my iphone. You know God is doing something when even these little ones have a heart for prayer.
Tonight we approached prayer with a heart of Thanksgiving. We just came from our a weekend where we celebrated our 3rd anniversary. We had 114 people stand to commit their lives to Christ this weekend which was awesome. Then 100's more stood to say they would take their next steps with God. One poignant moment in the service was when a young lady stood to commit her life to Christ, a friend sitting in another section saw her stand and ran over to embrace her friend and celebrate her life decision.
Tonight at prayer, we prayed for those who were experiencing spiritual warfare. We prayed for those who are unemployed. One young man caught me after the service and told me he stood because he was unemployed and got two job offers before he left prayer. At the end our prayer teams prayed for 15 minutes after we dismissed. They told me they had never been the last ones to leave but tonight were.
Elements that worked tonight:
Having the open mics and letting people come up and offer thanks to God.
Spending some time pointing people to our prayer teams at the end of the service.
Memorable moments & phrases:
True obedience many times takes sacrifice. Sacrifice is a step beyond convenience.
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